Contains:  Solar system body or event
Sonnenflecken / Sun Spots - 20211221, firstLight

Sonnenflecken / Sun Spots - 20211221

Sonnenflecken / Sun Spots - 20211221, firstLight

Sonnenflecken / Sun Spots - 20211221



Acquisition details



Sonnenflecken / Sun Spots - 20211221

The seeing became a little better today than it was in the last days. At the same time, the numerous sun spot groups (aka "active regions") have drifted over the sun disk while new ones appeared. After all, there are many small spots in view, really small ones ... given the fact that I have only used my full frame DSLR with a 300mm and a 1.4x TC (=F420mm) and no high magnification.

Today I took 284 full frame photos (20mb+ each) from which I only used the 110 best ones due to still less then good seeing.

Please consider comparing my result with NASA's continuum photo from this same day.

Capture time was 115737h to 115826h CET.



Sonnenflecken / Sun Spots - 20211221, firstLight